Managing a fraternity in 2025

We no longer count on alumni labor to tackle big projects like we did In the 1990s

Before the new millennium, fraternity management was in the dark ages. Students collected and spent most of the money. Nobody really kept the house clean and maintained. The University of Oregon and City of Eugene didn’t seem to care much about what we did. It was a bit of a free-for-all.

Fast forward to 2025 and everything has changed. Fraternities now depend on the help of professional management. A whole universe of businesses has sprung up to help Greek chapters manage finances, food service, facilities maintenance, and other functions. It not only works better, but it makes life much easier for alumni volunteers serving on House Corporation boards.

Our alumni officers still have the responsibility for ensuring students have a safe, clean and comfortable environment. The difference is we don’t count on student or alumni labor to get everything done. Instead, we partner with companies who specialize in serving the Greek community. Here is a snapshot of how things have changed:

Financial Management

Gone are the days when the P struggles to collect rent and stay current on payables. A financial management company collects the rent, manages payables, produces monthly statements, and reports to the House Corporation. We have been working with CSL Management in Cleveland, Tennessee, who manages Greek housing across the country and handles our financial operations.

At our monthly House Corporation meetings, alumni officers review the standard financial reports we are all accustomed to in the business world so we have a clear picture of where we stand. We now have the process and information we need to effectively manage our finances and plan for the future. It has made a huge difference.

Food Service

Fraternities are going away from hiring cooks and taking on the responsibility of being an employer. Meal services have sprung up across the country that either bring meals into Greek houses or prepare them onsite.

In 2023, we hired Upper Crust, a national food service provider to Greek organizations headquartered in Columbia, Missouri. They work with a number of fraternities at Oregon and Oregon State to prepare weekday meals onsite and then students take care of their own weekend meals. We have heard from the undergraduates that the chef we have this year is doing a great job. He’s not Tom Blocher, but then again, no one is.

Facilities Management

When it comes to the chapter house there are no more “frat job” fixes when things go wrong. Our management company, CSL, assesses the condition of the house every month noting issues that need to be corrected and taking photos. The House Corporation reviews the list and works with CSL to coordinate repairs.

This approach helps the House Corporation keep the facility in good shape for our members, while creating potential revenue opportunities. Occasionally, big summer events such as track competitions need temporary housing and an 11,000-square-foot house provides a lot of it. Or, if for some reason the chapter needs to move out, a nice house gives us the option of renting to another living organization. This isn’t something we want to think about, of course, but we have to face the fact that Greek organizations exist in an unforgiving world.

All of these changes by the House Corporation over the years have made us a much stronger and better run organization. Alumni leaders like Brent Monroe, Brian Thompson, Craig Stockbridge, Eric Mueller and many others have worked tirelessly to set us up for the future. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time to improve the Oregon Alpha chapter!


House looked great for the 100th